Please join us for a free pancake breakfast sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Breakfast will be served from 9 until 12:30 in the School cafeteria. A free-will offering will be gratefully accepted.
On Sunday, February 16, an informational session on the Camino trip
will be held in the Gathering Space at St. James after the 11:00am Mass.
Father Rich Jones and a representative of A Pilgrims Journey will be attending the session. The trip allows for a maximum of 40 people and we are over half full. This is going to be an amazing spiritual journey in this 2025 Jubilee year. Please come to the session if you are considering it and/or ready to sign-up. For further details, you can also contact parishioner, Bill Richardson at (412)400-2335. CLICK PICTURE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Are you struggling with trying to live the "right way"? Here's a helpful hint, come to Amicis to hear a talk about practical ways to live as a Catholic teen in today's world. Food and drinks as always!
Attention 8th-12th graders!!! Join us for our Bowling Trip to Paradise Island Bowl this February! Yes, all current 8th grade students are welcome to join us for Amicis High School Youth Group! Bring your friends and spread the word! Bowling, Pizza & Drinks, and fun with your friends for only $10. Cash or checks made out to Divine Redeemer Parish can be given to Nick the day of the event. Register with the QR Code or by emailing Nick, [email protected] CLICK FOR PARADISE BOWL WEBSITE
What's better than a movie night? Movie night with FREE popcorn, candy, and friends! Bring your friends to Amicis Movie Night at St. James in the Gathering Space where we will watch High School Musical together! Wear comfy clothes/bring a blanket. All 8th-12th graders are invited to join us!
You Are Invited! All Young Adults are welcome to join us for Lectio & Hangout Friday, February 28 from 7:00-9:00pm! Join us for Lectio Divina in the Gathering Space at St. James Church from 7:00-8:00pm. Following Lectio, we will meet up at Caliente's in Sewickley for fellowship! Spread the word & bring your friends!
Calling all Young Adults! Join us this Lent as we come together at our Divine Redeemer Parish Fish Fry and pray the Stations of the Cross with special guest Bishop Zubik. On Friday, March 28, from 6:00 to 8:30pm, we will eat delicious fish and sides and afterwards pray the Stations of the Cross together. Spread the word and bring your friends!!!