Attention 8th-12th graders!!! Join us for our Bowling Trip to Paradise Island Bowl this February! Yes, all current 8th grade students are welcome to join us for Amicis High School Youth Group! Bring your friends and spread the word! Bowling, Pizza & Drinks, and fun with your friends for only $10. Cash or checks made out to Divine Redeemer Parish can be given to Nick the day of the event.
Amicis (Latin for friends) is our NEW High School Youth Group! All students entering grades 9-12 are invited to have fun, create friendships, and share with like-minded peers. We will meet every Wednesday from 6-8 p.m during the school year starting September 20th. share a meal, hangout, and learn more about our Catholic faith.
This experience is unlike any you've ever had before! If you love Jesus and having fun playing sports, having campfires, going on retreats, riding roller coasters at Kennywood, playing video games and so much more you are always welcome to join! If you want more from your faith but don't want the "boring youth group" talks, this is the group for YOU! Whether you come once or all the time know that we are excited to accept you with a smile. We can't wait to see you! So grab your cool or uncool friends and be a part of Amicis!
Formal registration not required, but appreciated!
Let Nick know you are interested!
Click Here
Seventh and Eighth graders embark upon their journey to Confirmation by way of our engaging, community-based Confirmation Preparation Program entitled Quo Vadis, Latin for "Where are you going?" Each 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, the students will come together at the St. James campus from 6 - 8 p.m. for Mass, fun, fellowship, and a deep dive into their Catholic faith through use of the Chosen curriculum by Ascension Press. The evening will include dynamic video lessons, interactive learning experiences, and small and large group discussion.